No Spend Summer 2019

I miss this blog.  The one on my "official" website feels like posts have to be I rarely post.  But I miss this, so therefore, here I am again with another idea.

This summer, starting today, I am on a "No Spend Challenge."  This will go until September 23rd when fall starts.  What is this No Spend thing?  Well basically:

NO SPENDING MONEY except on necessary things.

Because I have too much stuff. And why do I go out and buy more stuff then?
We don't live paycheck to paycheck, so it's not out of financial need.
Although more money saved means more down payment when we do find a place to buy - and perhaps more land.
I want a small house, a big barn or shed with room for more guineas and our tractor, and land.

If I use up what I have instead of buying more, we'll have less stuff to pack up and move.

And lastly, to be content with what I have and grateful.

This No Spend Challenge doesn't mean no money will be spent at all.  I still need to live and stay healthy.  So I am allowing myself to spend on the following things as needed:
  • Rent and insurance
  • Utilities
  • Groceries, Toiletries, cleaning supplies
  • Pet food and treats
  • Gas and vehicle maintenance
  • Prescriptions, medicines, medical
  • Gifts for others for birthdays, weddings, etc.- but focus on consumables and experiences, not things.
  • Eating out and experiences such as event tickets, museums, etc. things we store only in our hearts
  • Maintenance items such as filters, ink, oil, etc.  But do assess if those items are best in the long run.
  • Replacement of NECESSARY appliances that can’t be fixed
So this is the start of the list, I'll post more about it as I go.  I'm actually looking forward to this.  I have boxes of things downstairs from our move 4 years ago.  These things I though were necessary but apparently not so much in the last few years.  So I can go on a "treasure hunt" when I want to "shop."
