Fare thee well, old journal...

Time for a new journal. After 4 years on LJ, time to pull out a new book and start fresh and clean. A couple changes for anyone interested...anyone? Anyway, between me and the wall, this journal will only be about life stuff. My knitting and other crafty happenings will be on the Pieceful Ewe blog. It was time for a change. My online knitterly friends had to sort through my personal posts (which, though enlightening, just didn't have enough yarn) and my non-knitterly friends had to wave through the knitting pages (which, well, what was the problem with that?).

And like I said on the other blog, the real reason for the change tonight is that I'm avoiding housework. Kinda. Got the bathroom clean but not much else.


zarafa said…
I knew you'd come around eventually. ;) For what its worth, I'm straight up nosy, so I read the personal posts right along with the knitting ones.
Mandy said…
I can't think of a better way to avoid too much housework. Congratulations on the new Blog. (You know me as Mandy from Ravelry.)