Misty's Prayer Shawl

Misty's shawl took me about 4 months to knit. That's like a record for me for a prayer shawl. It was started when she was going through a hard time, a lot of things were unsure and quite scary too. The shawl has experienced many times of the Tuesday women's prayer, discipleship triad and the women's retreat. I held on to the fact that whenever we give a shawl, it is at the exact right time, and it was.
She said she had just found out something that will change for the summer and this was an answer to prayer. It is so amazing, that something as simple as a knitted shawl can be such a representation of love and comfort.

We also had a meeting afterward to combine the prayer shawl ministry with the Care Ministry. It's so refreshing to be paired with a ministry leader who is excited to work with this! It was very freeing and I look forward to what will happen next.


Mandy said…
The shawl is a lovely colour - very comforting.