Letting Go

I was at our weekly knitting time at Silver Creek Cabin this afternoon when I asked the question. "How many projects do you guys have going on at once?"

Mostly, they had under 10 (but some of them were silent). I also told my friend she shouldn't buy more yarn for a shawl, she needed to finish her coat. But...then I found yarn to start another sweater. Pot calling, kettle...black.

We talked and I realized that I needed to let go of some of the projects that I just wasn't doing. I let go of (deleted from my ravelry project page) the 2 Pay It Forward projects and a pink project that never got off the ground. Realistically, I never got my PIF project. I'll need to let the people know that I won't be able to make their projects.

I now have 13 left and will be finishing my silk cardi by Sunday night.

12 Projects left! Ooooh, it'll be a fun celebration. What shall I cast on then?
