9 Days to Go

I turned over my calendar and almost panicked. Only 9 full days between now and when I leave for India! There's still so much to do and I'm sick. I haven't been out of the house since Thursday night; going to work today has been a big event.

What do I do when I feel overwhelmed? I make a list! Here's the major things that I have yet to do:

  1. Finish my lessons
  2. Write out the pattern, make copies
  3. Felt one of the samples
  4. Find buttons for the samples
  5. Re-wind yarn
  6. Try on skirt/shirt outfits and see what really works
  7. Buy things to take with
  8. Send out calendars to supporters
  9. Make sure I have all of my immunizations
  10. ???? I know I'm forgetting a lot of things
On second thought, maybe making a list isn't going to help. Just looking at all those things left to do is a bit overwhelming. To top it all off, I'm tired and sick and just want to sleep.

But I am looking forward to the warm weather in India. Even Amsterdam looks warmer, being in the 40's. And in no time, I'll be back home, wondering where the time went.
