Just last Friday at my LYS open knitting, I said aloud, "I don't like to knit lace." And this is true, with some exceptions. What I don't like are those repetitious patterns that make you want to stick the needles in your eyes after a few inches. That's why I like cables more, it almost seems more random and interesting.
Along comes the new spring Knitty. What is the first picture that I see? A very lovely shawl. In the info about it, the designer mentions that it's modeled after Elizabeth Zimmerman's pi shawl. I love EZ things! And like a glutton for punishment, I scroll down and look at the pictures.
Shipwreck, the name of the shawl, looks like aged metal yet flowy. If there was ever a shawl that I'd be willing to poke my eyes out for, this one would be it.
5,000 beads....
3 skeins of boring undyed sock yarn...
You dye the shawl AFTER you finish it...
If I ever start this one, please give me some eye protectors. Or else I'll be walking around in my shipwrecked shawl with an eye patch saying, "Argh, that shawl shivered me timbers."
Along comes the new spring Knitty. What is the first picture that I see? A very lovely shawl. In the info about it, the designer mentions that it's modeled after Elizabeth Zimmerman's pi shawl. I love EZ things! And like a glutton for punishment, I scroll down and look at the pictures.
Shipwreck, the name of the shawl, looks like aged metal yet flowy. If there was ever a shawl that I'd be willing to poke my eyes out for, this one would be it.
5,000 beads....
3 skeins of boring undyed sock yarn...
You dye the shawl AFTER you finish it...
If I ever start this one, please give me some eye protectors. Or else I'll be walking around in my shipwrecked shawl with an eye patch saying, "Argh, that shawl shivered me timbers."
Best knitty review so far!