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The Birth of Needles Norman
It all started one night when our book club R.E.A.D.D (Read, Enjoy, Analyze, Discuss, Desert) hosted author Susan May Warren and her friend Mary for a fun weekend of shopping, eating and a movie. Susan talked about a book that she wanted to have her main character into a roller derby gal but her publisher told her that it wouldn't work, so she became a softball player instead. Anyway, we decided to come up with roller derby names for ourselves. Since I was knitting, I became Needles Norman. You can read about this on Susan's Blog here.
Welcome to the blog of Needles Norman; unrepentant fiber addict. Watch this space for Sunday updates on what and who I'm needling, for contests, giveaways and all kinds of fibery love. I'll also be posting a Wednesday short to tide you over until Sunday. Since today is Wednesday, I'm doing my intro instead.
I'll have info on my first giveaway on Sunday. Don't miss it! Or I might be Needling you.