Sleep Before Posting

What? Today is Monday and there wasn't an update yesterday? For shame. I bet the lot of you were up late, refreshing your screens to see when my next update would be.

Ok. Seriously now, I was away for the weekend. My plan was to post after putting hubby to bed. But I fell asleep! I will do my regular posting tonight.

And to not keep you in suspense for our last week's winner of the lovely sock yarn, I have run the RNG! It has picked #12.

Kozmic - come on down! You've won the sock yarn. Thank you to everyone for posting! I've so enjoyed learning about your knitting places.

See y'all tonight.


kozmic said…
Goodness me - thank you! What a wonderful prize - perfect timing for winter knitting in New Zealand.

I'm not sure how to contact you but I'm QueenMaeb on Ravelry.
kozmic said…
Never fear - I'll contact you on Ravelry. My brain has finally clicked!
Sparkee Spud said…
Soooo I'm waiting for that update ;-)