The Oven Light Turns On

This story is my inspiration, if anything is. Seeing Debra Jones, in her 50's, run a 5k in a few weeks was truly amazing. And very inspiring, while sitting and watching. But then I explored Jillian Michael's site, printed off some stuff, one being how to train for a 5K in 8 weeks.

That sheet of paper seemed to come to the top of my paper stacks time and again. It was doable. Something clicked on and without thinking too much, I decided to do it. If Debra could do it, I could! I am younger and weigh less, so it shouldn't be too hard, right?

And then, something took over my body (I think it was invasion of the couch potato snatchers) and I found a 5K that was a little way out and the philosophy was one I could get excited about.
My friends, I am going to be running in the Fearless 5K on October 30th.

From their site:

Only 4% of Americans ever run & less than 2% ever run/walk a road race! Most non-exercisers fear exercise, or fear that their own efforts to improve their health/fitness will be a fruitless waste of time.

Actively demonstrate your friendly fearlessness as an active runner/walker by sharing your run/walk with others who may have been fearful of RxExercise and entering a 5k road race.

Runners & walkers will be demonstrating the Power of RxExercise to improve lives, including overcoming fears, especially the many of us who are living well and courageously beyond health challenges like arthritis, brain injuries, cancer, diabetes, anxiety & depression, and heart disease with RxExercise.

I'm not afraid of a little 3.1 miles. Even though right now I can barely run over a minute at a time. I trust in the process and in the changes in my body. And I trust that God will keep my legs moving even when my mind tells me to stop.

And best of all, I intend to knit myself a little crown hat for my costume.
