Tired, but Happy Wings

Last night, we got ready for dinner and I was tired. There were 3-4 things on my "to do" schedule and I just wanted to sit on the couch and knit. But if I did that, then important things would not get done! So I went to hulu, put on a show and started in on the dishes. Within an hour, all my stuff was done and I was on the couch, knitting.

Tomorrow, our mission team is coming over. Normally, I'd be doing the "stash & hide" thing t and all these boxes or bags of misc junk would find their way into the craft room or bedroom. But not this time! All the main areas are mainly clutter free and fairly clean. I only need to mop floors and empty out a wastebasket or two. Easy, peasy. This is so wonderful, to just be able to relax and touch up a few things before company comes. I'll also have time to make some cookies.
