Go, Sheep, Go

Last weekend was the annual Shepherd's Harvest Festival at Lake Elmo.  4 barns of vendors, extreme sheep makeovers, sheep dog demos, good food, lots of fun to be had.

 My SIL and her adorable son met me there in the morning.  Oddly enough, Sam was more interested in the cute little girls than the sheep!
I went to the ravelry meet-up in the afternoon and had spindle envy.  Why, oh, why didn't I bring anything to spin or knit?  What is wrong with me?  On the plus side, I won some silk hankies in the drawing.  So spinning (or at least drafting of) commenced at home.

Today, I can sit and admire the plunder of the day.  I can reach into my basket and remember fondly the fun sheepy weekend, and savor the memories until next year.
