In Search of the Early Edition

The Saturday/Sunday paper has the same coupons as the Sunday but only costs $1, so I usually pick up a few copies on Saturday.  But today, it took me 4 stores to finally get them.

  1. Holiday gas station to use the $ .20 off per gallon from the Cub card.  Forgot to get papers.
  2. Walgreens - got over $43 in stuff for about $10 plus 4,000 BR which now means I have $102 worth of points to use.  They were out of papers.
  3. Target - decided to do the dog food deal, so I got about $25 plus a $5 gift card for next time.  They don't carry papers.
    1. 3 - Almay Make-up removers
    2. 3 - Tide eraser packs on clearance
    3. 2 - 15 lb bags of Iams mini chunks
  4. Cub - got 3 papers.
In summary:
$71.00 in products
$38.00 spent after savings
$9.00 in points and gift cards for next time

It was an okay day of couponing, if I had actually planned it out I could've done better.  But I got my early edition papers and coupons for next time.
