I was sick last week. So like usual, I did a marathon watch of a television show. This time I chose the Amazing Race. Suddenly, I was hooked - I watched every season that I could for free. What was it about this show that was touching me deeply even after I was well again?
Then a phrase kept popping up in my mind, "run the race." I went to the verse in Hebrews that tells us to run the race of faith. And not only to run, but to run so as to get the prize.
There was a team of two guys a couple seasons back, Tom and Andy. They were quite good at anything physical that they had to go through and enjoyed it. It was like the world was their playground. On top of this, they were Christians and ran the race with integrity. When it came down to a foot race for first place in a leg, they ran and won it by seconds. They ran to win the prize.
I wondered, what would it be like to be in a race like this and able to go through each obstacle with joy as this team did? More than that, isn't that what Hebrews is calling us to do in life?
As my mind spiderwebbed, I realized that not only do I want to run the race spiritually, but also physically. Just think what could be done if my body was ready to face physical obstacles. And in being fit and able, the mind is shaped and ready as well.
Time to start running again. I started this week on a different C25K schedule than before. Because I can still run a lot more than I did when I started the first time, I stepped it up. This schedule starts me at running 2 minute intervals and today was 3. I got through each training run by mental games. It wasn't about the physical condition of my body rather it was my mind overriding and encouraging me to complete the task.
Once I'm able to run 3.1 miles straight, then I'll work on other things. One step at a time.