41 by 41 Halfway Mark

It's been a little over 6 months since I started this 41 by 41 journey.  I sat down, made a list of 41 things that I thought my 41 year old self needed to accomplish.  Some have been wonderful, some challenging and others I'm realizing are not going to happen.  So in this update, I'm also editing a few of my goals.

For example, the riding my bike to the farmer's market isn't going to happen, the market won't be open until after my next birthday.  I realized that the reason I didn't do this one is that I didn't feel safe riding down the highway.  Instead, I'll change it something just as challenging, but still achievable.

I'm also so close on quite a few of these, that I imagine there will be a few upcoming months that I'll look like an overachiever.  There are 21 items left and 6 months, which leaves 3.5 things to do each month.  Still very doable.

Here we go:

41 before 41

1)  Find space for prayer
2) Finish 2013 taxes
3) Make A and B something
4) Complete J’s quilt
5) Respond to C
6) Plate wall
7)  See a sunrise
8) Do an extreme couponing trip
9)  Drive the boat
10)  Drive the tractor
11)  Get a new look
12)  Get rid of past crafts
13)  Declutter house for move
14)  Clean drain
15)  Rock a part of the yard
16) Keep a manicure for 2 weeks
17)  Run a mile 
18)  Finish linen stitch blanket
19)  Set up accounts for online banking
20)  Put flowers on parents grave
21)  Knit a sweater
22)  Take the train
23)  Write an article
24)  Share my faith
25) Buy myself flowers
26)  Paint craft room
27)  Explore international genealogy
28)  Design a knitting pattern
29)  Give A her book
30)  England part 2 book
31)  India year 2 book
32)  Eat Korean food
33) Organize family photos
34)  Try on a size 16
35)  Buy something sexy
36)  Publish women in India book
37)  Go to a play
38)  Take a Class
39)  Write a poem
40)  Cook something gourmet
41)  Schedule that photo shoot
